As a resident of a small village in rural Poland, Krzysztof Paluchowski finds escape from a mundane reality by wandering through musical dimensions as Sono Christof: the explorer of inner worlds and cosmic realms. Ever since first hearing Jean-Michel Jarre's 'Waiting for Cousteau' and 'Gothic' by Paradise Lost, music has been a way to disconnect himself from the grey reality of concrete deserts of ex-communist Poland.

Although he has been making electronic music for over twenty-five years 'Forgotten Songs of Worlds Adrift' marks his first full album release and the beginning of a completely new musical chapter in his life. With inspirations ranging from Agalloch to Vangelis; Sono Christof combines the vast cinematic landscapes of electronica with the gloomy atmospheres of dark ambient. This record is an homage to classic science fiction and the soundtrack to a film that exists only in the listener's mind.